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Currently under development, Rwanda Cooperation’s virtual exhibition space will take visitors on an interactive tour of Rwanda’s development journey, explain its most important drivers, and illustrate contributions made in the social, economic, and political development of the country throughout the years.

Rwanda’s transformation journey will be told by use of state-of-the-art technology to create an unforgettable, interactive experience. The journey will be told in in 5 key sections:

Historical Background

This section will give visitors a detailed overview of Rwanda’s history. They will be taken through Rwanda’s birth, its precolonial societal makeup, traditions and the nature of its people’s social relations. They will also be able to understand the fundamental changes that the Rwandese society underwent during the colonial period, and how they divided the nation across new ethnic identities that ultimately led to the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994.

Post-Genocide State Building

This section will take visitors through the efforts that were invested in rebuilding the country’s infrastructure and institutions, and uniting a deeply divided people in the aftermath of the genocide. The highlight of the section will be on the 1998 Urugwiro Discussions which formed the foundational basis for Rwanda’s transformation journey.

Nation Building

The section will highlight the reconciliation efforts undertaken by Rwanda, and the citizen-centred development path that the nation took, especially by looking into the creation of Home-Grown Initiatives in areas such as governance, justice, economic development, and social welfare. Part of the section will be dedicated to showcasing the progression of the country’s efforts in gender equality and women empowerment.

Socio-Economic Development Pillars

As its name suggests, this section’s aim will be to give visitors an insight into the pillars that have sustained Rwanda’s development journey, including decentralization mechanisms meant to enhance citizen participation in decision-making, Vision 2020 - now replaced by Vision 2050 - socio-economic strategies, Doing Business and social protection programmes, building a strong governance ecosystem through specialised institutions and the adoption of ICT.

Drivers of Success

This final section will expound on the drivers of success and critical conditions that made Rwanda’s transformation possible, including the three strategic choices that the people of Rwanda have made (Unity, Accountability, Thinking Big) and the importance of leadership. It will also explain the importance of Rwanda’s cultural cohesion and a strong sense of ownership from leaders and citizens alike, as important factors in the country’s reconstruction and continued progress.

The virtual exhibition will also feature a number of additional spaces, including a multifunctional café/Living Exhibition space, and a gift shop featuring carefully selected Rwandan products and accessories.